How to Bake Your Challahs Evenly No more doughy middles! Question: “My challahs rise okay and seem to bake fine but when we slice them open they are too doughy or not done enough in the middle. Other times they seem to sag in the center or fall inwards. How do I take care of…
Help- My Challah Dough Doesn’t Rise Enough Today’s question is from a Challah Bytes member, Malki. She asks: Lately I have problems that the dough doesn’t rise enough but maybe this problem can be solved to buy a new package of dry yeast. For how long do you think can dry yeast stay usable it…
Two-tone Flower Challahs I love making these for Shavous. They are so easy to do, look so nice and even come out sort of flower-y shaped. There’s no specific “minhag” to make challahs like a flower for Shavous; it’s rather just something I enjoy doing in honor of Shavous. Make a batch of white dough…
Substituting Whole Wheat Flour Instead of White Flour A frequent question I receive is about replacing white flour in a recipe with whole wheat flour. Here is today’s question from Suri: I have made your challah (from A Taste of Challah cookbook) many times and it’s delicious. How can I tweak it by making whole…
I have a special treat for you: a sprouted wheat challah recipe from one of our readers, Chava Dumas! Here it is, in Chava’s own words: These humble healthy challahs look so heimish to appear alongside Tamar’s elegant professional looking challahs, but indeed they have an incredible taste from the sprouted wheat kernels. When I…
My challah crumbles when we cut it. I don’t know why. This is what I do. I never had any issues with it till now but I changed a few things. I started to use distilled water and self rising flour, maybe one of these is the problem. Not sure. But the challah is so…
One of the most frequent questions I receive is about freezing challah dough. Can I freeze challah dough? How do I freeze challah dough? People all over the world freeze their challah dough. However, I have found that the dough does not bake the same way once it has been frozen as dough, so I…
A great treat for you, dear readers! An in depth look at the history of challah by Libi Astaire, published in Mishpacha Magazine. Here’s a short excerpt I found fascinating, as the first appearance of challah in the braided shape we know today: At some point during the 1400s, braided breads using the best available…
Explaining Shlissel Challahs This article first appeared in Hamodia’s Inyan Magazine, 2014 Question: I know that the first Shabbos immediately following Pesach is what is known as Key Challah week, aka, shlissel challahs. What is this minhag all about? Doesn’t Hashem decree what we will make for the whole year on Rosh Hashana? Question: I…
Onion-Filled Hamantaschen Challah First, prepare a good challah dough. If you need a recipe, check where I’ve posted many challah recipes, as well as my “Incredible Challah Dough Recipe” card that can be downloaded free from the site as well! Ingredients Challah dough 1/4 cup oil for smearing 1 egg for glazing 2 onions,…