Hello my wonderful readers!
Welcome back to ‘regular life’ if you can call it that! Don’t you all feel like the time period from Purim through Pesach is on a level of hecticness all its own… I often feel like I could use another two days between Monday and Tuesday just to catch my tail!
I’d like to thank the many of you that took the time to call or write me after the last email about Purim prayers. Here are some of your warm responses…
I just had to call you personally to tell you how special that email about prayer was for me – it really made my whole focus so much clearer and helped me immensely. Keep up the good – and also important! – work!
Thank you for this beautiful Purim message and reminder about tefillah. May all our prayers be answered for the good.
Thank you so much for the inspirational message… I appreciate the reminder to daven on Purim. A Freilichen Purim!
Hatzlocha in your work to promote women’s mitzvah of hafroshas challah!
And now that Purim is all packed away, keep this in mind for the rest of the year…
When our Geula, that we all just prayed for, finally arrives (and may it be really soon), one of only yamim tovim that we will still keep will be Purim. It’s that holy, and it’s that deep and important.
But for now…get ready – because as we all know, now we are hot onto the Pesach rush of clean, organize, buy and cook! I hope to be writing more often now, with tips, help ideas, and the like.
If you have any preparing tips you feel will help others, please write me back right away and share them. You never know which tip is simple for you but a real “Einstein” for someone else!
Have a great day!