You are something else! Where do you get all the energy???
You are something else! Where do you get all the energy???
For years I tried braiding challah with six strands following diagrams and instructions in recipe books, but I could not get the hang of it. UNTIL some years ago when you had an article in Binah that included user-friendly diagrams and instructions. After successfully managing using the paper a number of times, I can now do it almost with closed eyes! Not only have you enhanced our Shabbos but you have also boosted my confidence!
This is such a lovely thing that you're doing, Tamar – ממש מזכה את הרבים! I'm not terribly surprised, you do that quite frequently. And it's an opportunity for me to express my sincere appreciation as one of the "רבים" who benefit from your creative initiatives- Yasher Kochaich.
I bought two of your challah cookbooks and I gave one to my daughter. Well, here is a picture of my twin grandchildren reaching for the bread we baked. They kept trying to grab the bread and saying "hot" as we snapped pictures! They will be 2 years old in September. Enjoy the photos.
Ive had your book for years BUT I just started following your directions exactly and WOW a new challah life!!! I’ve been making challah for 21 years or more, thank you so much!! I so wasn’t going to do the rolling pin part, but i did and WOW again!!!
I love your challah book because it's so beautifully produced, and so inviting. Your challah recipe is excellent, consistently soft and tasty - amazing considering it has no eggs. My sister tasted it at my house and became converted ... she switched her challah recipe for mine!
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