Hamantaschen and more! Traditional and creative recipes for your Purim meal and Mishloach Manos.
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A Joyous Purim to You and Yours!
Hamantaschen and more! Traditional and creative recipes for your Purim meal and Mishloach Manos.
Chef Avi Chemal’s Distinctively Delicious Halva Hamentashen - Chef Avi Chemal’s Distinctively Delicious Halva Hamentashen Ingredients Dough: 3 cups flour ½ c. sugar 1 c. margarine or butter 1 Tbsp. baking powder 2 eggs 3 Tbsp. orange juice ½ tsp. vanilla extract Filling: Chopped walnuts Coconut flakes Crushed halva Method Using a mixer, combine sugar and margarine/butter till fluffy. Add remaining ingredients and…
Meatball-filled Mini Pie Hamantaschen - Meatball-filled Mini Pie Hamantaschen Ingredients 7 ounces of ground beef 1 onion chopped and sautéed till lightly browned 2 onions sliced into half rings 1 egg Salt Cinnamon Coarse black pepper Pie dough, or ready-made unbaked pie dough Optional: Thinly sliced cranberries and/or other dried fruits foil cupcake/muffin tins Method Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix…
Colorful Sweet Hamantashen - Colorful Sweet Hamantashen Ingredients Challah dough 1/4 cup oil for smearing 1 egg for glazing 2 tablespoons poppy seeds Colorful sprinkles Method Cut challah dough into sections that are between 6-7 tablespoons in size. Shape each piece gently into a ball. Roll out each ball so that it resembles a flat circle. Fill each with…
Onion-Filled Hamantaschen Challah - Onion-Filled Hamantaschen Challah First, prepare a good challah dough. If you need a recipe, check www.aTasteofChallah.com where I’ve posted many challah recipes, as well as my “Incredible Challah Dough Recipe” card that can be downloaded free from the site as well! Ingredients Challah dough 1/4 cup oil for smearing 1 egg for glazing 2 onions,…
Zebra Hamantaschen - Zebra Hamantaschen A great new twist on ordinary hamantaschen. Hamantaschen are not just cookies or pastries; and although they are delicious unto themselves, most of us don’t really make them at any time of year other than Purim. And that’s good – it is what keeps this cookie with its tri-cornered shape special. This year,…
Trans-Fat Free Hamantaschen - Trans-Fat Free Hamantaschen That means no marg at all! I must admit that although hamantaschen are relatively simple, it took me quite a few recipes until I finally found one that I really like a lot and that always works. These are just great; watch out if you make them in advance (as I do)……
Veggie Roll Up Hamantaschen - Veggie Roll Up Hamantaschen Great and Tasty Side dish to your Purim meal! Ingredients You’ll need a package of puff pastry dough (also known as ‘batzek alim merudad’) In a large frying pan with about 3 Tablespoons of canola oil, sautee all or a combo of the following veggies, sliced: 2 onions A few cloves…